Recipe Index
Here you’ll find all the delicious, easy and approachable vegan recipes on Jessica in the Kitchen! Welcome, and enjoy!
by Course:
by Dietary Preference:
by Cuisine:
by Season:
by Ingredient:
- agar-agar
- agave nectar
- all spice
- allspice
- almond extract
- almond flour
- almond milk
- almonds
- apple
- apple cider
- apple cider vinegar
- apples
- applesauce
- apricots
- aquafaba
- artichokes
- asparagus
- avocados
- baking
- baking powder
- baking soda
- balsamic vinegar
- bamboo shoots
- bananas
- barbecue sauce
- basil
- bay leaf
- bbq sauce
- beer
- beets
- bell peppers
- biscuits
- black beans
- blackberries
- blue cheese
- blueberries
- brandy
- bread
- bread flour
- breadcrumbs
- broccoli
- brown rice flour
- brown sugar
- brownie
- brussels sprouts
- buckwheat flour
- bulgur
- butternut squash
- cabbage
- cacao nibs
- cajun seasoning
- cake
- cake mix
- capers
- cardamom
- carrots
- cashews
- cassava flour
- cauliflower
- cayenne powder
- celery
- cheese
- cherries
- chia seeds
- chickpeas
- chili bean paste
- chili flakes
- chili oil
- chili pepper
- chili powder
- chilis
- chipotle
- chives
- chocolate
- chocolate chips
- cilantro
- cinnamon
- cinnamon sticks
- citrus
- cloves
- cocoa powder
- coconut
- coconut bacon
- coconut cream
- coconut flakes
- coconut milk
- coconut oil
- coconut sugar
- condensed coconut milk
- cookies
- coriander
- corn
- corn chips
- corn syrup
- cornbread
- cornmeal
- cornstarch
- cranberries
- creme de cassis
- cremini mushrooms
- cucumber
- cucumbers
- cumin seeds
- cupcakes
- curly lettuce
- currants
- curry paste
- curry powder
- dates
- desserts
- dijon mustard
- dill
- dinner
- donuts
- doughnut
- edamame
- eggplant
- entree
- espresso
- extra-firm tofu
- feta cheese
- flaky salt
- flax egg
- flax eggs
- flaxseed
- food colouring
- frosting
- fruit
- furikake seasoning
- garam masala
- garlic
- garlic powder
- ginger
- ginger ale
- gingersnap cookies
- gluten free flour
- gluten-free flour
- gnocchi
- goat cheese
- graham crackers
- granola
- grapes
- greek yogurt
- green beans
- green chilis
- green onions
- ground cumin
- guajillo peppers
- guava nectar
- harissa
- hearts of palm pasta
- heavy cream
- hemp hearts
- herbs
- honey
- hot sauce
- hummus
- ice cream
- instant coffee
- italian seasoning
- jackfruit
- jalapenos
- jerk seasoning
- Kale
- ketchup
- kidney beans
- king oyster mushrooms
- kiwi
- leek
- lemon
- lemon juice
- lemon zest
- lentils
- lettuce
- light soy sauce
- lime
- Lime juice
- liquid aminos
- liquid smoke
- macadamia nuts
- macaroni
- mango
- maple syrup
- marinara sauce
- marjoram
- marshmallows
- masa harina
- masarepa
- meat substitute
- mint
- miso
- molasses
- mozzarella
- mushrooms
- mustard powder
- mustard seeds
- nori
- nutmeg
- Nutritional Yeast
- nuts
- oat flour
- oats
- olives
- onion
- onion powder
- orange
- orange juice
- oregano
- oreos
- oyster mushrooms
- panko
- paprika
- parmesan cheese
- parsley
- parsnip
- passionfruit juice
- pasta
- peach schnapps
- peaches
- peanut butter
- peanuts
- pears
- peas
- pecans
- pepitas
- peppercorn
- peppermint
- peppers
- pickles
- pie crust
- pigeon peas
- pimento seeds
- pine nuts
- pineapple
- pistachios
- pita
- pizza dough
- plantains
- plums
- polenta
- pomegranate
- pomegranate molasses
- popcorn
- poppyseeds
- potato starch
- potatoes
- powdered sugar
- pretzels
- prosecco
- protein powder
- psyllium husk
- puff pastry
- pumpkin
- pumpkin puree
- pumpkin spice
- purple cabbage
- quinoa
- radishes
- raisins
- ramen
- raspberries
- red bell pepper
- red curry paste
- red onion
- red pepper flakes
- relish
- rice
- rice noodles
- rice vinegar
- rice wine
- roasted garlic
- rosemary
- rum
- sage
- salsa
- sauce
- scallion
- scotch bonnet pepper
- sesame oil
- sesame seeds
- seseame seeds
- shiitake mushrooms
- side dish
- sides
- smashed baby potatoes
- smoked paprika
- smoothies
- snow peas
- soy milk
- soy sauce
- sparkling wine
- spinach
- split peas
- squash
- sriracha
- strawberries
- sugar
- sumac
- sun dried tomatoes
- sunflower butter
- sweet chili sauce
- sweet potatoes
- taco seasoning
- tahini
- tamari
- tapioca starch
- tea
- thyme
- toasted sesame oil
- tofu
- tomato paste
- tomato sauce
- tomatoes
- tortilla chips
- tortillas
- tostada
- turmeric
- tvp
- vanilla extract
- vegan bacon
- vegan beef
- vegan butter
- vegan buttermilk
- vegan caramel
- vegan cheddar
- vegan cheese
- vegan chicken
- vegan chocolate chips
- vegan cream cheese
- vegan egg
- vegan feta
- vegan ground beef
- vegan mayonnaise
- vegan meat
- vegan milk
- vegan mozzarella
- vegan parmesan cheese
- vegan potato recipes
- vegan ricotta cheese
- vegan sausage
- vegan smashed potatoes
- vegan sour cream
- vegan whipped cream
- vegan yogurt
- vegetable broth
- vinegar
- vital wheat gluten
- walnuts
- water chestnuts
- watermelon
- whiskey
- white bean
- white beans
- white chocolate
- white rice flour
- wine
- Worcestershire sauce
- xanthan gum
- yams
- yeast
- zucchini