
Jackfruit Tacos

These barbecue jackfruit tacos are smoky and sweet, with a pulled pork texture that might just be mistaken for the real thing!

Simple Ingredients

You'll only need jackfruit, BBQ sauce, and a few other ingredients to make this easy recipe.

Empty the jackfruit cans into a colander and rinse it well.

Separate it into shreds and discard any parts that are hard.

Sauté onion for 4 minutes, then add garlic and cook for 30 seconds until fragrant.

Stir in the spices, followed by the jackfruit. Continue to stir until it’s evenly coated in the spices.

Stir in the barbecue sauce, sriracha, water, and lime juice. Once the mixture comes to a simmer, cook for 15 minutes.

Let the jackfruit cool a bit, then divide it into the taco shells or tortillas and add your desired toppings.


Easy, achievable, vegan and plant-based recipes!